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Credit Card Processing

KRCShutters Terms & Conditions

The applicant named hereby makes application to credit and provides the information herein, which is warranted to be true and correct for the purpose of having KRCShutters, Inc. make periodic sales of goods and materials. In consideration thereof, it is agreed and understood that

  • 1) The undersigned is an authorized agent of the applicant and is duly empowered to enter into and make binding agreements on its behalf;
  • 2) Payments shall be made to KRCShutters at4423 Mendi Ct, Suwanee, GA 30024;
  • 3) A Purchase Money Security Interest in all goods and materials purchased shall be retained by KRCShutters, Inc. until payment in full has been received;
  • 4) In the event of default of payment when due, or any other dispute between the parties, the prevailing party. in addition to any other relief which the court may grant, shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees and actual cost;
  • 5) The applicant agrees to pay a LATE PAYMENT CHARGE equal to 1-1/2% per month as liquidation damages for each day that payment is delayed beyond the agreed upon terms; 6) All claims must be made WITHIN 15 days upon receipt of goods. In the event of a dispute or litigation between the parties, it is hereby agreed that jurisdiction and venue shall vest in the County of Gwinnett and that the laws of the State of Georgia shall apply.

We hereby authorize KRCShutters or its agent to secure a credit report and agree to the release of credit information. This Authorization shall be continuing without expiration, and a photocopy or fax copy shall be given the same as the original. In return for the extension of credit the undersigned hereby jointly and severally personally guarantee to pay and be responsible for payment of all amounts due. Seller by Applicant, including collection charges and/or attorney's fee. The undersigned hereby waives notice of default or non-payment. Seller shall be entitled to look to the undersigned for full payment without prior demand, notice of seeking recourse against any other party. It is further agreed that the laws of the State of Georgia shall apply and that in the event there is litigation commenced to enforce this guarantee. The proper jurisdiction shall be in the County of Gwinnett.